«And where, oh where, are the naked men?»
[Da série isto está parecido com dois blogues que eu frequento.]
A propósito da capa da Vanity Fair, lê-se na CNN:
"Men just aren't viewed as sex objects in the same way that women are," Min says. "Women don't think about men being naked in the same way that men think about women." In fact, she says, at her magazine's offices, when photos come in of a male star with no shirt on, "We say, 'Gross! Put some clothes on!' " (Imagine that being uttered about an attractive female.)
Who's afraid of a naked man? For one expert on the magazine industry, it's a little more complicated. "There's an inherent fear in this country of pictures of naked men," says Samir Husni, a journalism professor at the University of Mississippi. "We've been trained to look at pictures of naked women, but we haven't been trained yet to look at pictures of naked men."»
Ou, o comentário de Andrew Sullivan:
«Men and women are biologically wired to be attracted to different aspects of the people they lust after. Women, for some reason still opaque to me, are sexually attracted to a man's soul, his character, his style. Men want to see titties, as Dave Chapelle would say. Gay men and straight men are no different in this. And so the single standard VF is using is a simple one: let's sell as many magazines as we can. I fail to see how they can be criticized for doing their job.»
A propósito da capa da Vanity Fair, lê-se na CNN:
«So where's the nude photo of Brad Pitt? Or George Clooney, who appears later in the issue, dressed, amid a bevy of women in flesh-toned bras and panties? Let's face it, Min says: Women do like to see sexy men -- just not with all their clothes off.
"Men just aren't viewed as sex objects in the same way that women are," Min says. "Women don't think about men being naked in the same way that men think about women." In fact, she says, at her magazine's offices, when photos come in of a male star with no shirt on, "We say, 'Gross! Put some clothes on!' " (Imagine that being uttered about an attractive female.)
Who's afraid of a naked man? For one expert on the magazine industry, it's a little more complicated. "There's an inherent fear in this country of pictures of naked men," says Samir Husni, a journalism professor at the University of Mississippi. "We've been trained to look at pictures of naked women, but we haven't been trained yet to look at pictures of naked men."»
Ou, o comentário de Andrew Sullivan:
«Men and women are biologically wired to be attracted to different aspects of the people they lust after. Women, for some reason still opaque to me, are sexually attracted to a man's soul, his character, his style. Men want to see titties, as Dave Chapelle would say. Gay men and straight men are no different in this. And so the single standard VF is using is a simple one: let's sell as many magazines as we can. I fail to see how they can be criticized for doing their job.»
Ora bem, realmente há pouco treino nesse campo, mas como aprendo depressa era só para dizer que se alguém tiver por aí uma foto do Brad Pitt todo nuzito, é favor mandar para amarguinhas@gmail.com
A gerência agradece .
Ginja, at 11:26 da tarde
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Tiago Mendes, at 11:50 da tarde
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